Zoe Nowicki - Amateur MMA Fighter and Former Collegiate Wrestler

“A year and a half ago I made one of the best decisions for my health and well-being. “

I was sick of feeling lost. Years of cutting weight for wrestling had damaged my relationship with the sport I loved so much. Since I was 16 years old, I had dreamt of being an MMA fighter. I gave up on that dream after YEARS of being frustrated. I was sick and tired of living my life exhausted, starving, “cutting weight” nonstop, and burnt out. 

Summer of 2021 I reached out to one of the most beautiful, and knowledgeable women I know, Mary Vance. I committed to doing a 12-week personalized program with her. Before I knew it my energy increased, my inflammation decreased (along with my weight), and my body & mind changed all around. I gained SO MUCH knowledge, confidence, and clarity. My senior year of wrestling was the most, fun, relaxed, and successful year I had. There was no more starving, no more dehydration, MUCH more energy, and a newfound confidence that helped lead me to a National Championship.

Because of Mary, I have the confidence to chase my MMA dreams again. I cannot thank her enough for that. 

I had people constantly telling me I walk with a new type of confidence. Because of Mary, I have the tools to treat my body right for life beyond my athletic years. If you put in the work she WILL guide you to the goals you desire and teach you how to utilize it for life. Thank you for truly caring about others Mary Vance. You and your vast wisdom are amazing.


Pastor Matt Parks


Erin Lee Johncox Hertz