Patti Gerrish

 They say a picture is worth thousand words. I hope these three speak volumes. I had tried for years to gain health and vitality. Like many I had engaged in the trendy world of the latest and greatest way to lose weight and gain “health “. None worked for the long haul. On October 30th, 2019 some 9 months, 3 seasons after first considering it and realizing I could not do it alone I reached out to Mary. I had followed her and watched her transformation and felt strongly that she had the key. That was the first day on my journey with the Mary Vance Lifestyle. It has now been two years and the lifestyle grows more powerful, more beautiful each day. This isn’t for those who simply want to be told what to do. Instead, be ready to embrace a journey that challenges you to become intimately aware of what gives energy and vitality and what robs it. Who is truly a part of your support circle and who needs to be let go. What it is that you truly desire. Spoiler alert it isn’t just weight loss. It is an opportunity to be in your full power and beauty.

My love for Mary grows deeper everyday. She is a powerful woman who blends the art and science of her four pillars. Her varied life experiences, teachers, and deep connection to nature all contribute to her ability to turn knowledge into wisdom. She has taught me much and has challenged me to turn that knowledge into my own wisdom. I am confident with what I have learned and make the four pillars the the top priority each day. When I need support, new knowledge, or just a good old kick in the pants Mary is there. If you are ready to say yes to having the knowledge and power to make the changes you desire then reach out, make the call. Begin you new lifestyle today.

PS: if anyone had said I would ever be okay posting a picture of myself in a bikini I would have said “never in a million years.” Never say never. It has taken me 2 years to get here but I now understand why this is valuable. The pictures help me take an accurate measure of my ongoing transformation. Through them I can see where I have sculpted away the excess “marble” to reveal the strength and where my chisel and hammer need to go next. As hard as it may be, do yourself the favor and take many pictures along the way. They are worth a thousand words.


Brittany Lang


Freddie Aiken