10 sessions to cultivate greater consciousness, power, and healing.

Why meditation?


In every single program I offer is based off of 4 Pillars of Pristine Health: Hydration, Nutrition, Movement, and REST.

Yes, rest absolutely means getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night. It also means taking the steps needed to assist your body and mind in its recovery phases. Conscious, constructive rest is essential for the human body as a whole, especially the brain. 

Regular meditation has been found to increase strength in several areas of the brain that play major roles in emotional regulation. Meditation also increases the actual size of the hippocampus, the part of our brain that governs learning and memory. The part of our brain that is responsible for anxiety, stress, and fear, the amygdala, begins to decrease in cellular volume after regular meditation. In other words, the place in your brain that is directly tied to stress response becomes more balanced and less apt to run the show. 


Meditation is one of the most simple and accessible tools for preservation and optimization of the brain, which in turn paves the way for pristine health of the whole human body.


  • Increased self awareness

  • Increased body awareness

  • Increased self confidence

  • Understanding of brain wave activity

  • Increased brain activity

  • Increased healing and recovery response time

  • Increased imagination capacity

  • Learning to live from a calmer center point

  • Journeys within yourself to explore your personal potential

  • Increased patience and tolerance 

  • Reduction of negative emotions 

  • Reduction of anxiety 

  • Cultivating more skillful stress management 

  • Increased focus and determination 

  • May improve memory 

  • Long term positive benefits for management of chronic pain 

  • Combats patterns of addiction

  • Improved quality of sleep